Conoscyphus trapezioides (Acrobolbaceae), on tree trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1730 m), Piton Tortue, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Rhizofabronia persoonii (Rhizofabroniaceae), on tree-trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1370 m), Piton Bébour, La Réunion. 21 April 2022.
Rutenbergia borbonica (Rutenbergiaceae), on tree branch in montane tropical cloud forest (1370 m), Piton Bébour, La Réunion. 21 April 2022.
Leiomela bartramioides (Bartramiaceae), on trunk of tree fern in montane tropical cloud forest (1370 m), Piton Bébour, La Réunion. 21 April 2022.
Calohypnum macrogynum (Hypnaceae), on soil alongside path through montane tropical cloud forest (1540 m), Plateau de Thym, La Réunion. 21 April 2022.
Leptodontium longicaule (Pottiaceae), on soil alongside path through montane tropical cloud forest (1540 m), Plateau de Thym, La Réunion. 21 April 2022.
Macromitrium microstomum (Orthotrichaceae), on stem of shrub at edge of montane tropical mire (1540 m), Plateau de Thym, La Réunion. 21 April 2022.
Riccia atropurpurea (Ricciaceae), on open damp soil at edge of carpark (1530 m), Plateau de Thym, La Réunion. 21 April 2022.
Jaegerina solitaria (Pterobryaceae), on trunk of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1630 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Porotrichum madagassum (Neckeraceae), on trunk of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1630 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Catagonium nitens (Catagoniaceae), on base of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1630 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Mittenothamnium cf. reptans (Hypnaceae), on tree-trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1630 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Notoscyphus lutescens (Notoscyphaceae), including male shoots, on soil bank beside track through montane tropical cloud forest (1640 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Plagiochila terebrans (Plagiochilaceae), on rotten tree stump in montane tropical cloud forest (1610 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Radula ankefinensis (Radulaceae), on tree-trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1600 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Gottschelia schizopleura (Cephaloziellaceae), on soil bank beside track through montane tropical cloud forest (1570 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Isotachis aubertii (Balantiopsidaceae), on soil bank beside track through montane tropical cloud forest (1640 m), Forêt des Hauts de Mont Vert, La Réunion. 22 April 2022.
Circulifolium exiguum (Neckeraceae), on rock outcrop in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Racopilum cf. capense (Racopilaceae), on rock outcrop in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Orthostichella rigida (Orthostichellaceae), on rock outcrop in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Deslooveria usagara (Orthostichellaceae), on tree trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Pinnatella minuta (Neckeraceae), on tree branch in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Prionodon densus (Prionodontaceae), on tree trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Squamidium brasiliense (Brachytheciaceae), pendent on tree branch in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Orthostichella versicolor (Orthostichellaceae), on trunk of young tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Haplohymenium pseudotriste (Anomodontaceae), on trunk of young tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1460 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Calyptothecium duplicatum (Pterobryaceae), on rock outcrop in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Pterogoniadelphus assimilis (Leucodontaceae), on rock outcrop in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Floribundaria floribunda (Meteoriaceae), on trunk of young tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Symphyodon pygmaeus (Symphyodontaceae), on trunk of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1450 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Pelekium versicolor (Thuidiaceae), on boulder in plantation of Cryptomeria japonica (1440 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Holomitrium cylindraceum (Dicranaceae), on boulder in plantation of Cryptomeria japonica(1440 m), Matarum Biological Reserve, La Réunion. 23 April 2022.
Mastigophora diclados (Mastigophoraceae), on steep bank at base of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1710 m), Piton Tortue, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Plicanthus hirtellus (Anastrophyllaceae), on tree trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1725 m), Piton Tortue, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Leptodontium stellatifolium (Pottiaceae), on gravelly ground beside track in montane tropical heath (1735 m), Piton Tortue, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Campylopus crateris (Leucobryaceae), on gravelly ground beside track in montane tropical heath (1740 m), Piton Tortue, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Gemmabryum acuminatum (Bryaceae), on soil in rock crevice along track in montane tropical heath (1740 m), Piton Tortue, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Anastrophyllum auritum (Anastrophyllaceae), on base of inclined tree trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1760 m), Petit Piton, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Herbertus dicranus (Herbertaceae), on base of inclined tree trunk in montane tropical cloud forest (1760 m), Petit Piton, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Phyllogonium fulgens (Phyllogoniaceae), on steep earth bank beside track in montane tropical cloud forest (1875 m), Petit Piton, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Ulota fulva (Orthotrichaceae), on tree branch in montane tropical cloud forest (1935 m), Petit Piton, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Rhacocarpus purpurascens (Hedwigiaceae), on earth bank beside track in montane tropical cloud forest (1935 m), Petit Piton, La Réunion. 24 April 2022.
Calymperes tenerum (Calymperaceae), on tree trunk beside lowland river (40 m), Langevin, La Réunion. 25 April 2022.
Leiomitrium plicatum (Orthotrichaceae), on tree trunk beside lowland river (95 m), Langevin, La Réunion. 25 April 2022.
Aerobryopsis capensis (Meteoriaceae), pendent on inclined tree trunk in lowland tropical forest (295 m), Cascada du Trou Noir, La Réunion. 25 April 2022.
Octoblepharum albidum (Octoblepharaceae), on inclined tree trunk in lowland tropical forest beside river (155 m), Langevin, La Réunion. 25 April 2022.
Cyathodium cavernarum (Cyathodiaceae), on rock at mouth of low lava cave beside river (155 m), Langevin, La Réunion. 25 April 2022.
Scabrellifolium elongatum (Orthostichellaceae), on boulder in lowland tropical forest beside river (165 m), Langevin, La Réunion. 25 April 2022.
Papillaria africana (Meteoriaceae), pendent from tree branch in montane tropical cloud forest (1145 m), Forêt de Cilaos, La Réunion. 26 April 2022.
Asterella syngenesica (Aytoniaceae), steep soil bank beside path in montane tropical cloud forest (1040 m), Forêt de Cilaos, La Réunion. 26 April 2022.
Anoectangium euchloron (Pottiaceae), damp rocky bank beside path in montane tropical cloud forest (1145 m), Forêt de Cilaos, La Réunion. 26 April 2022.
Breutelia gnaphalea (Bartramiaceae), damp rocky bank beside path in montane tropical cloud forest (1130 m), Forêt de Cilaos, La Réunion. 26 April 2022.
Calyptrochaeta asplenioides (Daltoniaceae), shaded earth bank beside small stream in montane tropical cloud forest (1380 m), Forêt des Fougeres, La Réunion. 27 April 2022.
Brachymenium leptophyllum (Bryaceae), branch of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1385 m), Forêt des Fougeres, La Réunion. 27 April 2022.
Trachypodopsis serrulata (Meteoriaceae), on trunk of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (1385 m), Forêt des Fougeres, La Réunion. 27 April 2022.
Pleurozia gigantea (Pleuroziaceae), on branch of tree in montane tropical cloud forest (895 m), La Plaine des Palmistes, La Réunion. 27 April 2022.
Hypopterygium tamarisci (Hypopterygiaceae), on boulder in plantation of Cryptomeria japonica (820 m), Forêt de Rond, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Megaceros gracilis (Dendrocerotaceae), on boulder in bank of seasonal stream in plantation of Cryptomeria japonica (855 m), Forêt de Rond, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Wiesnerella denudata (Wiesnerellaceae), on rocky bank of seasonal stream in plantation of Cryptomeria japonica (865 m), Forêt de Rond, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Radula stenocalyx (Radulaceae), epiphyllous on tall herb in plantation of Cryptomeria japonica (865 m), Forêt de Rond, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Pterobryon julaceum (Pterobryaceae), on boulder in lowland tropical forest (610 m), Piton Montvert, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Schlotheimia ferruginea (Orthotrichaceae), on boulder in lowland tropical forest (610 m), Piton Montvert, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Neckeromnion lepineanum (Neckeraceae), on boulder in lowland tropical forest (595 m), Piton Montvert, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Brittonodoxa subpinnata (Sematophyllaceae), on boulder in lowland tropical forest (640 m), Piton Montvert, La Réunion. 28 April 2022.
Ectropothecium regulare (Hypnaceae), on ground in lowland tropical forest (175 m), Le Tremblet, La Réunion. 29 April 2022.
Syrrhopodon mahensis (Calymperaceae), on tree trunk in lowland tropical forest (180 m), Le Tremblet, La Réunion. 29 April 2022.
Leucomium strumosum (Leucomiaceae), on rock in earth bank in lowland tropical forest (170 m), Le Tremblet, La Réunion. 29 April 2022.
Lepidolejeunea delessertii (Lejeuneaceae), on bark of rotten tree trunk in lowland tropical forest (210 m), Forêt de Mare Longue, La Réunion. 29 April 2022.
Fissidens ah-pengae (Fissidentaceae), on tree trunk in lowland tropical forest (215 m), Forêt de Mare Longue, La Réunion. 29 April 2022.
Capillolejeunea mascarena (Lejeuneaceae), on root buttress of tree (Ocotea obtusata) in lowland tropical forest (210 m), Forêt de Mare Longue, La Réunion. 29 April 2022.